Waiting for the walk. #valpr #frenchie #frenchbulldog #squishyface
"I better take a nap before I go to bed" –
”I better take a nap before I go to bed” – #valpr #frenchie #frenchbulldog #squishyface
"They're wrong, size does matter" –
#039;re wrong, size does matter" -” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>#039;re wrong, size does matter" -” src=”https://wistbacka.se/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/theyre-wrong-size-does-matter-valpr.jpg” class=”image wp-image-9944″ />
found a stick on the evening walk, total happiness.
#valpr found a stick on the evening walk, total happiness. #frenchie #frenchbulldog #squishyface
Ibland vill man inte gärna gå in fast regnet öser ner…
Ibland vill man inte gärna gå in fast regnet öser ner… #valpr
– Go home? No thank you. I'm fine here.
#039;m fine here.” target=”_blank” rel=”noopener”>#039;m fine here.” src=”https://wistbacka.se/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/–-go-home-no-thank-you.-im-fine-here.-valpr-frenchie-frenchbulldog-squishyface.jpg” class=”image wp-image-9899″ />
– Go home? No thank you. I’m fine here. #valpr #frenchie #frenchbulldog #squishyface